Saturday, January 3, 2009

Education System

The education system of Mexico consists of three levels - primary, secondary and higher education. The basic education of Mexico accounts for more than 80 percent of the total number of students receiving studies. The Federal, State and local governments provide more than 90 percent of basic education while private schools provide about 7 percent.

According to the legal framework which was adopted in 1993 under a new federalism charges the Federal Government with the task of determining the study plans for the elementary and the lower secondary school.

The school age of 6-14 years, which is mandatory covers primary and lower secondary education. Elementary school comprises of grades one through six while lower secondary education is taught in three levels, from the first to third grade. There are two kinds of schools in Mexico - private and public. Wealthy families prefer to send their children to these private schools as they have plenty of funding for books and other materials. On the other hand, children of poor families attend the public school.

As far as higher education in Mexico is concerned, there are four options, namely:
  • Universities (4 year colleges and Universities, called licenciatura)
  • Technical Institutes (3 year programs in engineering and Management)
  • Teacher training colleges which offers bachelor's degrees in the fields of education
  • Technological Universities, which offer programs to prepare the students for Higher University Technicians.
Level / Grade, Age (Years old)
  • Pre-School, Nursery School
  • Kindergarten, 5-6; beginning of "basic" education (educación básica).
Primaria (Primary School)
  • 1st Grade, 6-7
  • 2nd Grade, 7-8
  • 3rd Grade, 8-9
  • 4th Grade, 9-10
  • 5th Grade, 10-11
  • 6th Grade, 11-12
Secundaria (Middle school)
  • First grade, 12-13
  • Second grade, 13-14
  • Third grade, 14-15
Bachillerato or Preparatoria (Secondary school)
  • First grade, 15-16; beginning of "middle higher" education (educación media superior).
  • Second grade, 16-17
  • Third grade, 17-18
University; beginning of "higher" education (educación superior)
  • Four or five years leading to a Licenciatura (Bachelor's degree)
  • Two to three years leading to a Maestría (Master's Degree)
  • Three or more years after the completion of a Doctorado (Master's degree, leading to a Doctor of Philosophy.
The Mexican education system is based on the French and Spanish form of education.